To enter Vietnam, all visitors need a visa, which is arranged at the airport. There are several different visas possible, but all of them will require an invitation letter without which you cannot arrange a visa.
Visas vary depending on the duration of the trip and the number of entries into the country:
- 30 days and one entry (invitation letter $ 6 and $ 25 visa)
- 30 days and multiple entry (invitation letter $ 8 and $ 50 visa)
- three months and one entry ($ 15 invitation letter and $ 25 visa)
- three months and more entries (invitation letter $ 25 and $ 50 visa)
Where do I get an invitation letter?
You can get a letter of approval from several websites, and we took it from this site and deducted $ 6 for it. On the website you enter your information, passport number and pay an invitation letter, which we received in the mail within a few days.
The process of obtaining a visa at the airport
Before the landing, we were given forms on the plane where we had to write down our information, the purpose of our visit and the address of our accommodation. If you are traveling around the country, make a note of the night you will sleep the first night. In case you do not already have a chosen accommodation, write down some kind of Guesthouse x (only a formality).
We handout the invitation letter, together with the completed document, passport and photograph, to the Visa on Arrival office where they arrange visas. Then it will all take about half an hour or an hour to inspect everything and call you back. It is recommended that you listen well to whatever name they call, as their pronunciation of the name is completely different from ours and it may happen quickly that you not hear your name.
When they call you, you just pick up again at the counter where you pay your visa and get your passport back. You will deduct $ 25 for your visa. Before leaving for your trip, make sure your passport is valid for at least 6 month.
*more information on the visa can be found here